Litera has undergone significant growth through the acquisition of other legal tech companies, including Kira Systems. Its current strategy, according to Adam Ryan, Head of Product, is based on “The Three I’s”: investing in and improving all products on the platform, integrating them seamlessly, and driving innovation with cutting-edge capabilities like Foundation Dragon. This could be seen as Litera 3.0, with previous versions being V.1 and V.2, and now with the addition of genAI for the LLM era. Ryan describes Litera as “the experience company” for end-to-end workflows, serving the needs of both lawyers and business services. They help users understand their work through multiple dimensions, using data that is already available but may not have been organized or leveraged effectively. This data is turned into actionable insights for current projects. Litera’s offerings cover a wide range of areas, including contract intelligence, project management, and marketing. The goal is to embed genAI into every part of the platform, using tools like Lattice to connect to all of Litera’s products and surface data related to marketing, client relationships, drafting, and more. Foundation Dragon is also utilizing genAI for clause and deal data intelligence. Overall, Litera is focused on enhancing the legal experience and transforming the way legal work is done.
Why Intake Is More Than Just a Phone Call: The Heart of Your Client Relationships
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