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Lumi, the new product from Luminance, is revolutionizing the way we approach the agentic flow. By harnessing the power of technology, Lumi joins forces with the agentic flow to enhance productivity and efficiency. 

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Luminance, a UK-based company that has recently embraced LLMs and focused on in-house teams, is launching a new feature called Agent Lumi. This feature will allow sales representatives to request tasks such as marking up incoming NDAs and triggering necessary approvals. Agent Lumi will then automatically complete a series of tasks, including bringing the contract in line with company standards, seeking approvals, providing a summary to the user, and generating a new version for the counterparty to review. While these tasks could be completed individually, Lumi promises to provide a significant efficiency gain.

One of the challenges with agents is ensuring that each step is performed correctly before moving on to the next, as errors can be amplified and spread. However, Luminance claims that users can see and refine each step of the process, which is no small task. Companies like Flank, which have been working with legal agents driven by LLMs, have found this to be a difficult problem to solve. It can be done, but it should not be underestimated.

If a human lawyer has to spend a lot of time reviewing and checking each step, it defeats the purpose of having an agentic flow. To truly benefit from agentic flows, they must be reliable and get things right. However, genAI has a tendency to make mistakes unless it is carefully controlled. Therefore, it is important to test out promises of agentic flows carefully.

Luminance claims that their AI not only completes tasks in seconds, but also has short-term and long-term memory. This allows it to retain and recall information, learning from past interactions with users to tailor its actions and responses over time. With this memory and chain of thought, Agent Lumi can proactively flag information to optimize business efficiency.

For example, if business users consistently negotiate and amend the same term in a contract, Agent Lumi can automatically notify the legal team and update company standards and templates to ensure smoother negotiations in the future. Eleanor Lightbody, CEO of Luminance, believes that delegating everyday legal tasks to Agent Lumi will maximize productivity, accelerate deal cycles, and drive business growth.

Graham Sills, Co-Founder and Director of AI at Luminance, adds that while it is important to delegate tasks to agents, it is also crucial to keep key information in mind. This ensures that the AI is making informed decisions and not just completing tasks blindly. With Agent Lumi, Luminance hopes to provide a more efficient and effective solution for legal teams.  

Kerri is a proud member of TLP and has been serving the legal industry in marketing, intake and business development for over a decade. As CEO of KerriJames, she is relentless in her pursuit of improving intake so law firms can retain more cases without buying more leads. If your firm shares her hunger for growth, reach out and speak with Kerri.

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