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Our Book for Data-Driven Law Firms is Here

A Proven System to Accelerate Your Firm's Growth in Just 30-Days

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The Law Firm Growth Machine was written by our CEO, Kerri Coby White. As well as being a law firm partner, Kerri is also a mentor to fellow firms and is a regular speaker on both stage, and on podcasts.

Our Growth Philosophy is Simple




ATTRACT more prospects. RETAIN them as clients. SATISFY their needs. Do this and your law firm will thrive. The Law Firm Growth Machine, combined with Kerri’s mentorship, achieves this. We instill the core fundamentals to growth. We install your growth systems. We build the dashboards to track your data. Your data-driven law firm will have a greater impact, achieve more predictable profits and become a more valuable asset to potential acquirers.

Work with Kerri

Co-Founder and CEO of KerriJames

Kerri utilizes her years in the legal industry, as well as her experience as a gifted instructor and educational leader, to arm her clients with the growth systems and data-intelligence that will transform their practice. To learn more about how we do this and whether we can help your firm, book a 15-minute discovery call below.

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The question, “What is intake?” may seem a silly one to you, but to potential clients, it’s far from obvious. For firms, the intake process
2 minutes